About Me


I'm a first generation college graduate with a passion for technology and using it to solve problems. I'm the youngest of five kids, and currently have fourteen nieces and nephews. I live in Bellingham, WA with my Fiancé, three black cats, and German Shepherd. Some of my hobbies include longboarding, snowboarding, hiking, biking, motorcycling, canoeing, swimming, gardening, programming, writing and drawing.

I wrote my first "Hello World" console application over 15 years ago, and a few degrees and a few hundred-thousand lines of code later, I work professionally as a Software Engineer. I really like algorithmic optimizations, and spend a fair amount of leisure time solving challenges, like Project Euler, to keep strengthening my problem solving abilities.

I'm a crypto-currency enthusiast, having been running a crypto mining-rig out of my office for a few years now. Blockchain technology has the potential to greatly improve how we transact with each other on a day-to-day basis, and will inevitably replace legacy financial systems. I use my hardware with the intention of contributing to the health of community-based Blockchain networks, but it would be pretty cool to someday have enough earnings to pay for my nieces and nephews college tuition!

I'm currently learning about OpenGL and React, and I plan to use them to make a suite of educational games aimed at teaching math and programming skills to children. Professionally, I want to keep growing as a full-stack developer, but I'm sure I could find interest in just about any technical challenge.